Sunday, December 30, 2018

We love Auburn!

Christmas break is winding down....

but, we havent slowed down!

We headed to Auburn for the day, yesterday, and had the best day!

Any day in a great day!

We started off with lunch then shopping, shopping, sight seeing, picture taking and then the Auburn basketball game!

We love basketball games at Auburn! It is loud, it is full of is just full of fun!

We sat in a different area this time {its our 2nd game} and determined that anywhere you have great views and just as much action!

We...of course...HAD to eat at Newks!
The other side of the table!
It was a perfection of a weathered day! We strolled...and shopped!
And....tried on a few things! :)
Yeah...not a fan of these...but she loved them!
Then...snack time! OF course..Starbucks...and McDonalds........they are obsessed!
We havent had a picture by the sign the past several times we have been made it a point to do this time!
And....Auburn just WON the bowl game the night before in Nashville so Toomers corner was still a bit rolled!
Then...we made our way to the game!
Ready to go in and enjoy!
We had floor seats!
Perfect view!
And....Aubie stopped by!
And...we sat right beside the Tiger Pause! The girls watched them the entire time and then we asked to get a picture with them! We had the best little Auburn day as a family! We hit Gutheries before making the trek home! OH, what a great day!

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