Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A cookie or two....or 4 dozen!


I dont bake....

like never!

I am not so much a sweets person...so desserts have just never been my thing!

I will cook you dinner all.day.long.everyday.all.day.

but, dont ask me to bake a cake or anything like that...

so, when I got a fun invite to make 4 dozen cookies for a Christmas cookie swap...

I about panicked! :)

My cookies in NO shape or form turned out how I Pinterest it but they were so yummy and Im just proud of myself that I lived through it! :)

So...google toasted coconut Oreo cookie pops....this is NOT at ALL the picture you will see! bahaha....
but I survived it...and they were good....sooooo I pat myself on the back! :) :)
Cute all bundled up!
Sweet friend Aimee hosted! Such a fun night of laughter, games, food, cooooooookies and memories with sweet friends!
Alllll the cookies! My goodness we had a TON of different kinds!
 SO nice! Just what was needed on a random Tuesday night! Such a fun time!
 The three amigos!
 Love these girls!
 One of the fun games we played! My drawing was hoooorible! I so thought I drew it all better than I did! ha!
 Sweet ladies! Cant wait for next year!

Thinking we are not sure if we can eat them all! ha!
Loaded plate and this is not even all of them! So fun! Love how this kicks off the season which is my most favorite time of the year!

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