Wednesday, December 26, 2018

It's Christmas day!

Christmas day came!

It was a beautiful day....and OH, Santa came! I would say...judging by alllll the gifts..that they made the good list! :)

We headed to Nan and Pawpaw's for Christmas lunch and to open gifts and then ended the day at Nannie's for dinner!

We had a full fun and family day to celebrate Christmas!

Santa came! Lily went straight for the stocking 1st! :)
Alexis....was woke up by Lily running and screaming in her room to wake it was too early for her! bahaha!
Then she saw all her Santa goodies....and that woke her up!
Lily loved all of her 'stuff!' {OH that child! Anytime anyone would ask her what Santa brought...she just kept saying 'stuff.' OH me, she really did love it all...and knew what she got...she just wouldnt go into detail!} :)
Reading the 'goodbye until next Christmas' note from Ella Jingle! :)
This was Alexis' favorite!.............she has sang NON-stop since she cut it on! She loves to sing!...and I love to hear her is just extra loud now! ha!
She put her Carrie Underwood CD in and has been learning all the songs to get ready for the concert!
Daddy with is smallest one before we had to clean up and get ready for lunch at Nan's!

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