Sunday, December 9, 2018

Wrap up to a busy week!

We started the week busy...

and ended it very low key!

It was a super cold....full rainy and nasty weekend! It wasnt worth getting out so we kept it minimal all weekend and it was super nice!

The only 'bummer' was having to take Lily to the doctor due to her having strep. She has handled it like a champ, though, and it hasnt seemed to phase her! So, all we did on our Saturday was Lily and I hit the doctor! Today, she wanted to go to Church so she sat with us so she wouldnt expose the other kids. She loved being in 'big Church' with us! I just love our Church at Christmas time! It is just sooo beautiful! Lily loved it too! She sang most of the songs to since she knew them so it was so nice to have a little side-kick with us this morning!

As I type this, we are all curled up watching Frosty the Snowman! Perfection!

She looks adorable...even doing a breathing treatment at the doc!
All curled up....warm and cozy...watching Christmas shows!
NO where else I would rather be than this spot with Lilybug beside me!
Even sick...she is still a snow princess!
She looked so cute for Church this morning!
She is growing so fast! Love her!

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