Thursday, December 13, 2018

A glance into the week!

Week re-cap!

A look into life lately....we have been gearing up for Christmas, wearing our Christmas attire...and just trying to stay warm! We are having a pretty chilly winter so far! Goodness...Im ready for spring and summer!

Today marked Fall commencement at JSU so Mobbs and I were ready to Marshal! And....super proud of Tricia as she was graduating!
We survived graduation! It was cold...but not as cold as I thought it would be! I didnt freeze to death!
These two were suuuppper excited that Ella Jingle brought them Vineyard Vines Christmas shirts! They sported them this week to school!
They love having Ella Jingle! Every.single.morning. Lily searches for her. The first thing she does when she wakes up! :) :)

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