Friday, December 21, 2018

It's almost Christmas and SCHOOL is OUT!

The girls have been counting down the days to the last day before Christmas break!

They have had a busy and fun week at school so they havent been too bummed that they have still be in school!

It has been filled with movies, a field trip to see The Grinch for Alexis and her 5th grade class, making ornaments, Santa, candy, parties and more!

Is she not the most adorable little thing on this planet!?!?
She had PJ day.....combined with movie day....and she was pumped!
On this day, she had her class Christmas party....AND...Ella Jingle did something new this year! Ella Jingle wrote the girls a little note about having a kind and helping heart and donating to kids who dont have a Christmas! Lily ate this up! She had the bin FULL by the time Alexis even woke up! This wasnt even all of it that she went and picked out! Alexis donated a good bit too! I took three big bags to a co-worker of mine who councils children. The kids get to pick a stuffed animal once they are done with their counseling session! My girls loved knowing that they were helping make a girl or boy feel better!
And, she was ready for her class Christmas party too!....and ready to give Mrs. Smith her Christmas gift! LAST day of school before Christmas break! Whoooo hooooo!
So what did we do on our 1st day of Christmas break?!?! {Yesterday, Thursday the 20th???}.....yeah...a visit to the good ole dentist! The girls were thrilled to be apart of the no cavities club still!
Alexis was confirmed that she has 2 more teeth loose and that she needs to 'extra' wiggle them to get the on out...

Well...Lily was told she has 2 'semi' loose teeth too! {Mrs. Jennifer was just being nice because Lily is DYING to have a tooth out!} :) :)

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