Friday, December 14, 2018

Two turtle doves!

On the 1st day of Christmas....


you know how the rest of the song goes! :)

Tonight SP came with us to eat dinner and then back home so they both could open their Christmas gifts from one another!

The other night...those two decided together that Friday night would be a perfect night...yet didnt confer with us parents! So, Tyler and I {along with the girls} were going to eat we invited SP to tag along with us!

We enjoyed Logans before we came home and the two turtle doves opened their gift! Alexis was pumped!

Smiling in front of the jukebox...even though they have really NO idea what that is! Alexis acted like they should be playing video games on it! OH me! :)
I made them smile by the tree! :) ..........................
For a couple of pictures! :)
Then...Lex actually requested this picture! Oh me! :)
Tooooo adorable!
And...then finally the best part! Alexis loved everything he got her!
They were getting 'over' pictures by this point! bahaha!
SP loved his gifts too! :)
They played several rounds of Jenga before time to go! Such a fun and memory making night with two sweet kiddos!

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