Sunday, December 16, 2018

OH what a wonderful Sunday!

We had the best Sunday full of worship and fellowship! We had Christmas on Ivy at Church this morning and OH my goodness, it was amazing! Phyllis Taylor {who is amazing and beautiful and I want to be like her when I grow up!} goes to our Church and she started a group that plays the piano together. Well, they played this morning and it was so great!

Alexis also did the Advent candle and did an awesome job speaking her part and lighting the candle!

Then, to cap off the day...

our Sunday school class had our Christmas luncheon! SO much fun! Full of fellowship, food and FUN!

She just looked so beautiful this morning!
She did perfectly!
She is such a brave and great girl!
Christmas on Ivory was just beautiful! Those ladies are SO talented!
Nan and Pawpaw came to Church this morning! I love Pawpaw's tie!
Fellowshipping with our Sunday School class!
We had the BEST time! We had a Christmas game challenge between the guys and us girls!
They were all so much fun but I thought I would share some of my favorite! Oh Christmas tree was this game! :)
It's snowing!...was this game!
Way TOO funny!
Tyler showing off! The guys blew the girls away on this one! :)
And...the Dancing Santa's! Our Sunday school leader and his wife {Mr. Rick and Mrs. Angie!}
We all were dying laughing!
And....the winners! Yep...the guys won! BOY...did they brag about it! :)
Dont you love their trophy! bahaha! {Straight off my kitchen table!} :) :)
And...the loosers! BOO! :)
Such a fun afternoon was had by all!

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