Thursday, December 13, 2018

OH....Ella Jingle!


every Christmas season...

that elf of ours....

Ella Jingle....

does something....

that gets her in SUPER trouble with at least one...if not both girls!

Well, this happened!

So, Lily was NOT happy that Ella Jingle took her panties and put them 'all OVER the house!' {per her!} She came stomping into my room just mad as could be that Ella Jingle did that to ONLY her panties! {As she was checking to make sure Ella Jingle didnt take the panties she was actually wearing} bahaha! Lily goes..'Mommy....that is SO inappropriate that she did that! I am SO mad right now!' bahaha!

I asked Lily if she would have been mad or thought it was funny if Ella Jingle had done Alexis' instead of hers?!? Well....Im sure you know the answer to that! She goes...'Now that would have been funny!' {OH me...that girl of mine!} :)

OH...Ella Jingle! {She has done this before...but I guess either Lily doesnt remember or she thought it was 'appropriate' before!} ha!
That elf! Please excuse the other clutter on the table! Gearing up for our Sunday school class Christmas party!
She REFUSED to let me take a picture of her....because 'I am so mad Mommy!' :) She would NOT turn her head and look at me to take it!
Well....then she turned real quick at one point to check to see if I was still standing there....and I got this picture! bahaha!.....and I got this look too! :) :)

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