Monday, December 17, 2018

Must-achio to a 1st grade Christmas program!


our elf....

Ella Jingle has been up to no good lately! :) :)

This morning...Lily comes running into my bathroom....


'Doesnt Ella Jingle know I have a PROGRAM today!?!?!'


Luckily....Mommy knew that it was a washable marker...and it came right off! :)

This was her 'Im going to make the 'maddest' face I can Mommy!' {She looks more creepy like she is going to hurt someone face!} bahaha!
Yet....she couldnt do it! She actually loved that she had a mustache! ha!
See...she cleaned up nice and pretty! :)
No mustache in sight! :)
Here is the 2018 1st Kittystone class!
My little one!
Doing a little dance and song! Lily was PUMPED that she now knows different languages! For example.....she says she now knows Spanish and German! {because they sang the song Feliz Navidad and Oh Tannenbaum} haha! She is such a mess!
She loves singing!
And dancing!
Her little speaking part! She did great! ...and did it twice accident! :)
Love her! of my most favorite things...coming home... relaxing and having a nice family dinner! Lily wanted her 'favorite' meal....spaghetti for the win!

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