Thursday, December 27, 2018

Soaking up the last days!

We are making the most of our Christmas break and trying to get in as much fun as we can!

We headed to Rome, GA to try out a new ice skating arena that we have heard about followed by some shopping and a late lunch at Outback before some more shopping then home in time for the storm to come in!

We have been curled up....and threw a nap in....the rest of the afternoon!


We decided to try out The Forum in Rome since we have had several different friend groups tell us how fun! So, we ditched our tradition of going to Birmingham....and then fun shopping and then meeting up {sometimes} with any Murphy's that can...and tried out a new spot.
Well...we were disappointed and sad that we didnt do our old tradition! B'ham is just our old home. We love Birmingham and always have sooooo much fun at the Pelham Civic Center skating.

This place was fun....but the ice wasnt 'top notch' and it was a whole lot smaller and way more crowded.

But, we at least tried it out and now know that we will forever be doing one of our fun traditions of ice skating...back in Bham! :)
Family picture! All of us just trying to stay up while the sweet girl took the picture!
She did better....this time at skating! And..she was super stylish while doing it too! :)
THIS girl....she is just SOOOO good at skating! It doesnt matter if it is ice skating...or roller skating..she is a pro! She skated in circles around us!
Having fun!
Alexis liked to either hold my hand or her Daddy's hand the whole time! :)
And...meanwhile...Lily was way ahead of us! :)

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