Saturday, December 15, 2018

A Three-esta....and Santa!

Tomorrow those two Ray twins will be 3!

My goodness time has flown!

And...for the record, 3's were harder and worse than 2's! :) :)

We had a great morning celebrating them and the girls loved playing with their friends! We capped off the day with doing our MUST have Santa talk and picture! This may be my last year for Im soakkkkkking it in! So, we HAD to have a Santa picture! I felt like the movie 'A Christmas Story' because....the line was long...and BOY we waited...and waited patiently! :)

Sweet friends! It CRACKS me up how Madelyn {the one behind Cassell} and Lily literally fight over who is going to 'take care' of the twins! They try to 'Momma' them and it is just soooo funny! We have to tell both of them to share the twins and take turns with them! ha!
The ONLY way to get a picture.....and make them sit still...give them a birthday gift! They would NOT take their eyes off of their gifts either! Pictures were NOT going to happen if they had anything to do with it! :)
Sweet twins!
The crew! telling Santa what they wanted! This was them leaving! Its the best I could sneak because no 'real cameras or phones' allowed! :) :) This was them saying bye! ha! We had dinner with Nan and Pawpaw before coming home to Home Alone 3 and wrapping the remaining Christmas gifts! I am DONE with gifts! Whooooooooo hooooo! :) :)

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