Saturday, December 8, 2018

Whoa my Christmas party!

Always a blast...

every year!....

every gets better and better!

OH, I just love my Christmas party! I love the fact that we all come together and ring in the Christmas spirit with tons of fellowship, laughter, food, games, friends and soo many more sweet memories!

Last night was filled with it all and it was just what I needed!

We, of course, cant have a party without games! Christmas Trivia, Christmas 'who', Rudolph game and Dirty Santa! SOO fun!

Just have to share my invite since I just love it so! :) :)
They were ready to play!
This side of the room! It was a great turn-out! We had tonnnnnssss of laughter, food {from little smokies, pasta salad, mexican chicken and cheese dip, roasted peppers and a TON more!}
Rudolph game!
The winner of the Rudolph game! Wasnt she a cute Rudolph!
She...this one...came in 2nd place! Such a mess!
Love these ladies!
Sweet friends!
Some more of my co-workers!
Church friends!
Such a fun crew!
Love this crew too!
Our yearly Christmas picture together!
These girls were cracking me up!
Love Mustang Sally Misty!
So many laughs last night!

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