Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Eve!

So, this year...

we had a very low key Christmas Eve!

Since we broke tradition and opened gifts a day or so early...we made the most out of Christmas Eve by going to Jack's in our pjs for breakfast, enjoying the most gorgeous weathered day by riding bikes followed by a hot chocolate and smoothie trip at McDonalds then relaxing and making cookies for Santa before heading to Gran's for Christmas Eve dinner and opening gifts!

It was Grey's 1st Christmas so we were so happy to see him get to experience Christmas for the first time!

We enjoyed gifts before heading home with two little sleep ones! They put out the carrots and cookies and hit the bed!

Santa began working hard right after because both 'Santa's' were tired too! :)

Ready to go to Grans.....and ready for Santa to come tonight!
Three little loves ready for Christmas Eve!
My 1st Christmas!
So adorable!
He loved opening his gifts! The girls loved being 'Mommy!' :)
The cutest picture of that little booty! He learned quickly how to play with his toys! :)
This one was super excited to open gifts! She couldnt wait!
This coffee....what!?!?
Nannie and her great-granddaughter!
Grey loves his Uncle Tyler! He was so tired at this point! He was ready for bedtime!
These two were super tired...but they managed to get on their Christmas pjs...and put out the milk, cookies and carrots!
Both were dying to get to bed for Santa to come...with hopes they were both on the good list! :) :)

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