Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas lunch...and dinner!

Talk about filling up.....

we are sure to be 'good and full' on Christmas day!

First up...Nan and Pawpaw's followed by Nannie's after!

Whew....full bellies and leftovers galore! :)

Throw family time...and Christmas gifts in the mix...and I know my girls, for sure, are having a great day!

She had her hair done...her eyes done...her lips done...her new outfit on {that she made sure looks like Margie! :) She just adores Margie and said, I look just like her dont I?!'} :)
And...when did she just grow up and start looking like a teenager!????!!?
Sweet girl!
My little one and me! OH how I love her!
Opening gifts! Their favorite part! I dont think Lily ate hardly anything because she was so ready to dive into opening presents!
Alexis face! She found money inside! :)
Brandi and her nieces!
Nan and the girls!
Lily loves her Pawpaw!
Then...round 2! On to Nannies with this gang! OH how I love these people! this guy too!
Ready for Dirty Santa and gifts!
The other side of the view!
And today...the day after Christmas! It was a beautiful day so we spent some time outside having a tournament against Daddy! Yeah, Lily and I lost to him! ha!
Lily kept cracking us up because she kept saying...'Daddy, let's go outside and shoot the hoops!' :)
{I dont think she even really knows what she is talking about! She just heard him saying it so she made it her own saying!} :)
We are soaking up our last days of Christmas vacation before we are back to work and school! Making everyday count! :)
She had fun 'shooting the hoops!' :) :)

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