Sunday, December 23, 2018

The little Law family Christmas!


we broke 'tradition' yesterday....

and Im okay with it! :)

So, we got up yesterday morning and were just lounging around when Tyler wanted me to open my gift....

well, that sparked us all just opening our gifts from our little family!

We capped off a wonderful 'just us' day with the new Mary Poppins and then to Gilley's Christmas lights!

We had the BEST day!....

just us 4!

This one was READY to tear into some presents! :)
She has been wanting one of these unicorn hairbrushes since forever! ha!
SUPER pumped! This girl is into some music and concerts!
Super excited! We are going to Carrie Underwood!
She is excited too! She just didnt know what it was that she was holding! bahaha!
This is her 'excited' face! She really was excited about her Christmas pjs that she will wear on Christmas Eve! :)
THIS face! Lily and her have beggggged for months to have these pullovers! Talk about super excited to have one...with their initials too!
Lily is actually hugging hers! bahaha!
 Tyler has a knack for picking out the best purses for me! Love my new gift!
 Lex loves the mug Lily got her!.............along with the Starbucks gift card too! She drank her hot pumpkin-apple cider as soon as she was dressed and able!
Then...once we were all cleaned up...we headed to Mary Poppins! They are sporting their new pullovers! Mary Poppins was super cute!
Then...capped off the night with Gilley's Christmas lights! We have been dying to go visit we finally made it last night! We along with what seemed like everyone else in the USA went last night! The line was miles long...but we made it in and it was oh so worth it!
My pictures turned out horrible! BOO! But...proof we did go! :)
Checking out all the lights!
Night made to say congratulations to these two gentlemen! SUPER proud and excited for them that they won the Great Light Fight on TV! They WON $50,000!!! Out of 4 other homes, etc that were on the show versus them {from all over the US} their light displays WON! This is the trophy that Carter {oh he is sooo cute on TV! :) gave them from the show!} SUPER neat that they won!
All of their displays are from their Dad! He has now passed away but the two brothers {above} still carry on the Gilley tradition to put out what their Dad made! Lily loved pointing out things she learned from the for example, their Dad made it spin by using items he had laying around...such as an ice cream motor! :)
Lily under the rainbow by the Ark!
My pictures dont do it justice! The alligator was HUGE!
And...look at the detail in the dinosaur! :) Those teeth looked real!
This was Alexis' favorite part! She was dying to find this when we got there so she could see it because she thought it was so neat from the show! If you look closely, it spins so fast to make the little wooden people {inside} dance! :) :)
We broke 'tradition' but it was OH so worth and we had the BEST little night as a family!

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