Sunday, November 11, 2018

A championship WIN and a working hard weekend!

We had a busy and successful weekend!

We started the weekend with a bright and early....and cold C Team championship game! The C Team fought hard but came up short.  BOO! But, they are runners up!

Then the girls and I started some Christmas shopping as we hit the town for a little bit before gearing up for Alexis' A Team game!

Those boys are undefeated and have played soooo great for years {winning the Championships!} So, last night.................they dominated Hokes Bluff and WON!

It was another cold day...but OH so worth it to watch them win!

Bundled up and ready to cheer!
These sweet girls didnt care it was cold! They had a blast!
Some shopping....lunch....and a 'fun' drink from Starbucks! Total WIN!
Then....on to fun with these sweet friends!
About to perform! They did AWESOME out on that field! I just LOVE watching Alexis dance! Just beautiful! She truly shines!
SK came to support! Carli came later! We ended the night and the great victory by having a late night dinner with them and Mrs. Alison! Then Alexis spent the night with SK and Carli to round out the night!
The boys are AWESOME! I cant wait to watch them do big things in high school! They will go all the way! adorable!
Then bright and early....ready to worship...and serve today!
After a wonderful Church lunch with our Church family....we hit the ground running! Working hard!
My girls worked hard helping paint the curbs and the parking lines! We had a great day serving! We finished out the after with Alexis heading to see the Grinch with Sam Parker and his family followed by dinner at Olive Garden while us three met Gran, Ben, Nannie, La La, Mal, Aunt Pam and Richard at The Rocket for dinner!

She cleaned up real quick from working hard at Church and was ready to see the movie with SP! :)
Missy sent me this picture of them in the car ride home! All smiles! So sweet! The Wagoner family came in when they dropped Lex off and we enjoyed hanging out with them the rest of the night before we all hit the sack!
We had a full and great weekend!

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