Friday, November 16, 2018

Seeing double gobbles!

Today marked the girl's Thanksgiving feast at school and they were sooooo excited....

to get checked out!

Yeah...they didnt really care that it was Thanksgiving food....or really {maybe not} that I was even there with them... but more, just the fact, that I checked them out after! :)

It's okay....its understandable! And...its not everyday that they get to check out, so Im okay with it! :)

These two...OH...ME.....Ella is the sweetest...but she is a MESS {silly wise} and has soooo much energy...and you put her and Lily together.......they make me tired! :) :)
I love them both BIG though! :)
My little Turkey and I! was this big Turkey's time! Willa Kate and Lex are such sweet friends!
SP and Lex! Adorable!
We enjoyed a yummy Thanksgiving meal and then came home and curled up and watched The Grinch before heading to celebrate Emily's birthday! She was soooo surprised that we told them to sing to her....and it was tooooo funny that they put the whipped cream on her! She was not expecting that either! :) :)

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