Saturday, July 6, 2019

Baby youre a firework!

We headed off to our favorite, again, for the 4th and we had the best time even though the weather didnt want to cooperate with us.

This trip was one of the 1st that we have been down and it stormed pretty much the entire time. We still did fun things, still soaked up the sun, swam, etc so it didnt stop us!

The birthday girl got a breakfast birthday treat before we headed to Auburn! Why cant she have a treat even if its the next day after her actual bday! Its her birthday week!
We hit the pool as soon as we got there! Pawpaw and Lily had fun playing with each other while we were there!
After a full day of swimming...and shopping for Lex, Nan and Brandi...we all got cleaned up and headed to Outback for dinner and a little more shopping before heading back and crashing!
4th of July baby! We all sported our 'red, white and blue'....or our own version of it!
And...of course, cant go without taking a picture of the hoola hooping Queen! Lily is a PRO at it! Lex is too...however, since she is now 11...she was put in the '11 to 21' year old range. I think...that was intimidating for her so she didnt do it this time. Maybe next though! BUT...Lily...blew everyone else out of the water! She is just SO good!
We had a rain delay due to lightening so we got dressed in our red, white and blue and headed to eat and then to get ready and see the fireworks!
Jim N Nicks for the win! YUM! Us decked out in our 4th of July attire!
We always LOVE the festivities in Auburn on the 4th! We love th live music and bouncy houses....and ice cream and OF course, the fireworks!
100% ALL American in this picture! Blue jean overalls, red, white and blue...pig tails and braids! Perfection!
Daddy and Lily getting alllll the glow sticks ready!
We were glowing thanks to Daddy and Lily too!
We had the best view! We tried a new spot....and for SURE will have to remember it for next year!
The grand finale!
Our last full day! Chilling under the cabana eating our lunch! Ahhh...relaxing!
We had some more storms so we cleaned up and relaxed in the room before heading to dinner....AND then bowling! Whoo hoo! AND...guess who won!?!?! ME! :) :)
We had a great trip! We got up this morning and had breakfast, with everyone, before heading home to laundry and unpacking!

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