Monday, July 1, 2019

A date with Daddy!

So, Lex and Daddy had a special date today!

Alexis was so excited! Her Daddy picked her up and they took off to Oxford and spent the afternoon picking out her birthday gift, having dinner and yogurt dessert to cap it all off!

Lily and I...well, we had Wal-Mart and McDonalds {her choice!} :) before heading home to do laundry, cleaning out the litter box and then packing for Auburn! {we were very eventful!} :)

Tyler sent me a couple of pictures! Yep, I had McDonalds....remember! :)
He should have known...Lex has expensive taste, so of course she chose LongHorn!
AND...look at the bowl overflowing! WOW! :) Glad they had a great afternoon together!

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