Sunday, June 30, 2019

Weekend recap with our Youth girl!

We had a pretty low-key weekend!

It was a beautiful weekend, except for Saturday afternoon so we loaded up and had a spur of the moment idea to head to the REC Center and we enjoyed rock climbing and the pool!

The girls loooove this every time we go!

We came home and spent the rest of the afternoon curled up and watching movies.

Today, we had Church, lunch and then sweet Jackson's 6th birthday pool party! Of course, the girls were SUPER excited to spend the afternoon at the pool with their friends!

Alexis has become a pro at rock climbing. She loves it and is so good at it!
Lily is like a little monkey going up! I love watching her!
These two both did the wall where you are not hooked in and made it to the top. They were SO proud of themselves!
Daddy even gave it a try! He is getting good at it too! two had their 1st day in YOUTH! Yes, she is just growing up! She said she LOVED it when we were leaving! Love that they have each other as they transition! They are going to love it!
A perfection of an afternoon at the pool! My two are out there somewhere! ha!
OHHHHHH....I LOVE these two! They were sitting over there just in deep conversation as they were eating together so I just HAD to take a picture! OH, I just love this little cutie pie boy little!
Lily enjoyed swimming with Bennett and Thompson while Lex enjoyed swimming with Addie, and SP. They had the best time! I didnt get any pictures of them swimming as I couldnt keep up with them. I didnt get a picture of them with the birthday boy either....but I got them as they were still {for like 5 minutes} while they woofed their food down to get back to swimming! :)

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