Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Mommy & Lily day!

I was off today and it turned into a Mommy and Lily day!

Willa Kate invited Alexis to spend the night and spend the day with her after VBS last night....

so, Lily and I ended up just being us!

We had a great day!

We went and saw Aladdin and it was soooooo great! That was one of my most favorite movies when I was younger so the new {and non cartoon} version was wonderful! I sang the entire time and though they 'modernized' the movie a little bit, overall it held to the original movie! AND I LOVED it!

We had lunch and shopped and then now we are home and gearing up for another night of VBS!

We had a great day of it being just her and I! And...we loved the movie!

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