Sunday, June 2, 2019

A lake life day!

Yesterday was a beautiful Saturday!

Tyler headed to the creek to do some floating with his co-workers so us girls did some errands and lunch before heading to Gran's to ride the boat and enjoy a lake day!

After riding, we headed over to Pam's for Richard's 60th birthday surprise. Pam had a ton of food and friends and family over to celebrate. It was also Pam's birthday so we celebrated her too.

We had a full day!

Soooo nice!
I would say they have a pretty awesome view!
This is what happens when you go to a spend the night party, the night before, and not sleep! You pass out while on a great boat ride because you are so tired!
Lily loved driving the boat! OH me.....her driving skills though! Whew!
Thank goodness Gran helped watch and actually drive! ha!
Then Alexis....she drove...and then decided she wanted to take another nap! ha!
Time to eat and talk with everyone!
Mal got Richard an 'old person's cane!' :)

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