Sunday, June 9, 2019

A little weekend recap and round 2!

We were pretty low key this weekend due to the rain! It rained pretty much all weekend, which was nice {with the slow pace} and much needed since it hasnt rained in a good while!

We hit dinner in Oxford followed by some shopping and yogurt to celebrate the beginning of the weekend on Friday. Then Saturday, we did pretty much nothing since it literally rained all day! Sunday, we had Church, lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi before the girls having round 2 of VBS.

They are going with their friends to Grace's VBS this week so they have been gearing up for VBS round 2!

This the best I could get of them!...especially Lily! She was focused completely on her treat!
These shoes were bigger than her body! ha! Size 18! WOW! :)
And today, about to walk to the Weather's to head to VBS! Off they go! :)
Makes my night to get pictures! Look at these sweet girls having a blast together!

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