Saturday, June 22, 2019

Day with Ella!

Lily just could NOT wait for the day to come...that Ella got to come and swim and play with her!

So, Tuesday it was! We went and picked Ella up at the baseball field and she spent the entire day with us!

Lily was in Heaven!

Two peas in a pod! They were so excited to be with each other! It was adorable!
Enjoying the sea!
And, playing in the sand! As I was listening to them, I heard them start making 'YouTube' videos {pretend} of how to dig a hole, etc in the sand! It was really funny! Then they all put sand on their legs and used the shovels as 'razors' to shave it all off! haha!
We enjoyed the pool too! Zoe. The girl in the middle. She was with us alllll week too! Let me tell you, this one....well, she was something! She was a cutie pie....and had her moments of being sweet. But she was also a very overprotective person. Long stories short {and we have a good bit from our time spent around her} but her Mom....was with her....with the new boyfriend. The Mom {and Im using that word loosely} cared more about being with and around the boyfriend. So, I was her 'beach Mom' all week!
Then, out of nowhere, it started raining pretty hard! So...what did our crew do?!?! Well...of course...just get out of the pool and jump into the hot tub! haha! Can you see the rain falling in the picture!!?!?
Then....just like that, the sun was back out...and so was the fun!
Alexis and Tyler became pro cheerleaders this week!
We got cleaned up and headed to J Michaels for dinner! They were having no fun at all! :)
And...of course some fun shopping! They got eaten by a shark! AHH!!
THIS! My future flashed right in front of me in this picture! ha! :) :)

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