Saturday, June 22, 2019

Beachin it, days 3 and 5!

Round 2 version of our beach days! In this post, are days 3....and 5. I know, I skipped 4 because I realized, I didnt take as many pictures {which was glorious as I didnt look at my phone much at all} on days 3 and 5! :)

Day 3! Family group picture time! Trust me when I was allll I could do to get them all to stand still for ONE picture! :)
Beach bums!
I love the boat in the background!...and of course, the ocean...and the cute girls in the picture!
Lily....always finds friends! Meet Grady! They surfed and surfed! They played all week too!
Hitting the waves! We got cleaned up and I didnt snap anymore pictures the rest of the night but that didnt stop us from soaking up the day to the fullest!
So, now skip on over to day 5! It was a stormy morning so we loaded up and enjoyed the day in Destin. We hit all the outlets and HAD to eat at McGuires before heading back to PCB for the remainder of the after since it turned into a beautiful day!
These two were SUPER excited...and I mean REALLY excited to wear their shirts they made at the REC Center, Mad Scientist, summer camp that they went to the week before! They are so proud of what they made and how they turned out!
We came back the condo and swam and played until dark!
Lily LOVED playing everyone in giant Jenga and giant Connect 4 all week!
A sunset, afternoon, walk!
Guess which toes are whose?!?!? Can you believe it??!!?!?....Lex's foot is as big as mine! Lily's foot is almost as big as Lex's! WHAT!?!?
We drew in the sand.....and walked...and talked...and found shells...and splashed in the waves...and just had the best 'girl' time walk together!
Then..Lily wanted to catch crabs so Daddy went with us! Alexis just wanted to swim and not go so we hit the beach! We didnt see any though.
This girl so enjoyed the beach this year!

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