Thursday, June 6, 2019

That's a wrap!

And just like that...VBS is a wrap!

It was such a great week and the kids had so much fun!

I enjoyed being the neighborhood bus/taxi driver too! Hearing all the girls...and {boy Jackson :) } laugh and chat on the way to and from Church was fun!

Helping with the 'Pre-teens'....that took some getting use to but they were great and I enjoyed them!

We had a huge number of kids! We had 9 get baptized tonight! SO awesome!
Miss Lily with all of her friends!
Alllll the kids LOVED these glow light wands! Such a fun week!
I love that I have sweet friends that take pictures for me since I was not in Lily's group! She had sooo much fun with all of her friends!
Allllll the girls! :)
And, this was from the other night! Caroline and Lily were exact twins! Super adorable!

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