Saturday, June 22, 2019

The last days of our beach days!

Since I didnt take many pictures this trip, Im closing out our beach days with the pics I have left!

Day 6
Jenga tournament! Lily and Peyton won! This sweet boy, Cash, he just couldnt understand how to play it! Poor thing!
There was a TON of Gold Fish and Old Maid that was played this week! We had tournaments of cards! ha!
Then, that night...we did some more shopping and then the girls did one of their favorites!...jumping! Lily went SO high!
Lex finally grasped how to flip over! She flipped and flipped and flipped more!
Quick and blurry family picture!
Our last day! Not a single picture of during the day! We soaked up the last day of all things water before heading to dinner and then GO CARTS! Whoop whoop!
Lex rode ALL by herself for the first time driving! She has driven before but in a double cart with her Daddy! THIS time....all by herself! She did great too! She made me stay behind her. I could not pass her or go beside her. If I tried, she would start yelling at me to get back. ha! She actually even passed another cart too! She was so proud!
Lily and Daddy...the speed racers!
Then, we did the Swinging Dragon! This was the face of a girl who was not so sure she wanted to do it...but ended up loving...LOVING it! :)
The other side!
Then, Lily wanted to drive all by herself too! Lily speedy!
We were laughing soooooo hard! The cart was only going like 10 miles per hour! bahaha!
Despite the slowness, she loved every second of it!
And...we cant leave without Skee ball!! Since it was our last night, we rolled the windows down...and cruised the 'strip' {down front beach road} with the ocean by our side! The girls had 'their' music blasting! It was a perfect way to end a great week!
Gran and Ben left earlier in the day so it was just our little family of four on the last night and we made the best of it!
We were sad to have to back up and leave this morning! BOO! Until next year!

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