Saturday, June 22, 2019

A beach year in the making!




year for the day that we can take off to the beach!

Saturday marked that day! We got up bright and early and made it to PCB in time to have a yummy lunch at Red Robin before heading straight to our condo!

By the time we got checked in...headed to Wal-Mart, we came back and just soaked up the afternoon and night beach and poolside!

It was fabulous!

It was basically....... beach   eat   pool   beach  eat  sleep  repeat. The entire week! :)

Her VERY first moment to meet the sand...sun...and waves! Ahh.....nice! Pure happiness on that face!
She immediately started collecting shells! She was on a mission the entire week to collect a TON of shells! And..that she did! She even got some shells for one of the counselors at the Community Center! :)
Zero stress level here! Such a relaxing afternoon! the sunset.....she 'scuba dived' to find shells and little fish!...and crabs! :)
Perfection of an afternoon!
Day 2! Up super early and READY to GO! My little beach bum!
My biggest beach bum...and allllll of our beach gear! ha!
Two chicks hanging out by the ocean!
The ocean was sooooo calm. It was so awesome! They floated and floated!
AND...then...THIS! I havent gotten to meet the boys yet and they were leaving so they stopped by!
Then we capped off the day with the pool....and new friends! Meet Peyton in there! :) She is from Utah! {Yeah..WOW!} She is 3 months younger than Lily and they had the best week playing with each other!
The peacock float was a huge hit of the week too!
Lovin the night life! We love walking around...and people watching at Pier Park!
Time for the movie! Secret Life of Pets 2! So good! We headed back to the condo and crashed after this! We had a great 2nd day!

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