Thursday, June 13, 2019

Let the experiments begin!

So this week the girls have been going to the JSU REC Center for 'science' camp!

They have had a blast!

They have loved coming to my office each morning and acting like they are all big and grown up! Lily has loved making copies for me or helping me print out something. Alexis has enjoyed trying to type on my keypad as well as draw with all of my pens and markers.

They have loved swimming everyday. They have loved doing the rock wall...walking to the 'caf' {like the college kids} they have loved all the experiments too!

On top of 'camp' all day, they have been going to Grace's VBS.

So, needless to say, we all have been zapped this week as far as energy goes....but they girls have loved every minute of it all.

Now that the week is getting towards the end, we are also counting to clock to the BEACH too!

Whoooo hooo!

Each morning, these two have been 'hanging' out with me!
Lily has made me some notes and hung them on my filing cabinet for me to enjoy!
And...I got this picture the other day of them doing one of their exciting experiments! They are really looking forward to today with their tie-dyed t-shirt making as well as tomorrow when they make a huge volcano! They cant wait! :)

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