Friday, June 14, 2019

Loads of fun!

I got some more sweet pictures of the girls from the VBS they went to this week!

Mr. Carlton, the preacher of Grace, took them every night and they had soooo much fun riding with each other!

Last night, he even treated them to Sonic after since it was the last night!


you would think our week would have been nice and laid back especially since we didnt have the girls......

well, think again!

It was the busiest week! Tyler and I didnt slow down! Between our dryer going out...having several trees cut down in the back...packing for the getting a nail in my tire...and the list goes on, it was crazy! :)

This crew was together the whole week! I can only imagine the conversations that Carlton and Aimee heard! :)
Todays post is sponsored by the word 'LOADS!' They all had loads of fun together, no doubt! Im sure this is exactly how they acted the entire time too! OH me! :)
Speaking of loads.....LOADS of tree stumps and limbs filled our backyard! Exciting things are happening back there! Will share with pictures soon! :)
And...speaking of loads.....LOADS of fun that this is how my dryer looks! Handyman Tyler to the rescue though and once a lot of parts are in, Im sure it will be just like new! {fingers crossed!} :)
Sooo.....I have spent several of nights.....HERE! Loads of fun right....doing LOADS of laundry! Boo! :) But, at least, the place is really nice and right down the street.....and drys the clothes SUPER fast!
I know one thing...Im ready to have my toes in the sand after this week though!!

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