Sunday, July 14, 2019

Swim days are the best of days...

We had a low-key weekend. We ran errands on Saturday which included back to school supplies!


How is it THAT time?!

And then today was full of Church, lunch and then another birthday party! Several of Lex's friend's Moms and I had a conversation the other day that all the girl's birthdays are super close together that we should start having birthday parties together! We especially decided on their 16th! It will be cheaper {hopefully!} :)

So, Alexis had Willa Kate's 11th birthday so Lily and I had our own special afternoon full of picking up Ella and heading to the REC center to enjoy the pool!

We soaked up the outdoor and indoor pools before coming home and relaxing the rest of the afternoon!

My view! It was a perfectly perfect overcast day {for the girls to swim} I could have used a little more sunshine but I took what I could get!
These two didnt want to pause for a picture! They swam and played and swam and swam!
Then, I let them swim inside for awhile before we left. They had the pool to themselves which they thought was super cool!

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