Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Number 14!


14 years today!

Tyler and I had the chance, this past Friday, to celebrate our anniversary early.

All day, that day, I was thinking 'what plans, what can we do?'....as Tyler asked me to decide. I had a little black dress that I had planned on wearing. Went back and forth whether to wear it, whether to decide on a movie date night......what yummy place to eat.

He texted me asking if I had decided anything. Said he had some ideas..

and that we would talk about once we were home from work.

Well, once we got home, I was secretly hoping that we could just curl up and have a staycation just because it was Friday, it was a rainy day and that just sounded nice.

To my surprise, he said, 'you know what sounds great...me going to get items to cook dinner at home and picking up a Redbox movie.

How does that sound?!!?'

It was perfection!

As I have been {feeling like} a counselor to a friend of mine...and as I just have been feeling like...we dont have to 'go big' to make memories, etc.... having a staycation was just what we both needed!

14 years and there was no little black dress. There was no fancy dinner reservation...

there was two people who enjoyed each other's company.....in our pj's...curled up watching a great movie with a yummy home cooked meal.

To the one who stole my heart 14 years ago, {technically 19 years ago if you count us dating} Im so thankful for you and no matter if we are 'fancy' or comfy in our pj's, as long as you're beside me, it is perfection. Happy anniversary! I love you!

Salads....and dessert! The best strawberry cobbler! YUM!
This was a great movie! We actually ran out and rented two more movies {in our pj's} after watching this one! We had a full night of lounging watching movies!
Steak for the win! This guy knows how to make a good steak! The girls had a blast spending the night with Gran and Ben and watching the new Lion King movie too while we had our date night! It was a win-win!

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