Monday, July 8, 2019

Soccer....and a birthday trail ride and cheer!

Today was a FULL day!

Its my off days turn into busier days than my work days! things are done and memories are made so that counts more!

Lily had her 1st day of soccer camp!

Alexis had 'big' Lily's birthday party too!

So, they had a blast...and I enjoyed being a taxi! :)

Lily was SO excited about camp! I mean SO! She said she had the best time today when I picked her up!
My little soccer star! She went from soccer to moving on to Cheer camp tonight! It is a busy week for this girl...but let me tell you....she has the energy for it!
 AND...throw back to her 1st soccer year....circa 2017! Funny...the uniform still fits her! {Only because it was way tooo big when she first had to wear it!} :)
 They were separating into groups before I left and noticed Lily....told them she was 8 because she wanted to be with the 'big kids' and not the 'babies!' OH me, I let her go on and didnt change it because she can hang with them! She said she LOVED it when she got home!
We love 'big' Lily! Cant believe she is 13!!!
All the girls READY to hit the trail!
A beautiful day for a ride!
Love all these girls who are just growing up!
Of course...they took 1,000 pictures! BUT...if any parents ask for a would think we are killing them! :)
HAPPY birthday Lily! They did a scavenger hunt while riding and so they had to do silly things like spell out Lily's name and scream...'Lily is a teenager!' baha! They had a blast!
And...then on to Cheer Camp! Lily was SUPER excited to be re-united with her friends! So much so....that when I picked her up...the Coach came over and told me she was chatty Kathy the entire time and got in trouble. OH me...this girl! :)
We packed a TON into a Monday! Capped it off with these sweet faces! It was really...really weird to not help or anything with cheer at camp. I can was nice to get and leave when the rest of the parents did...and tomorrow us Mom's are having a Mom's only dinner so I am pumped that I get to attend because if it were year's past....I would have been at practice! Now, dont get me wrong...I loved coaching....but whoop, whoop!!....I get to be 'normal' this year! ha! :)

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