Sunday, July 28, 2019

Wrapping it up!

Well, the weekend is over....


wrapped it up by spending the entire afternoon outside! I love that we are finally getting to enjoy our backyard! It is almost finished!

The girls could NOT wait to find out who their teacher is going to be! That day FINALLY came! OH...we are soooooooo beyond excited that Lily has Mrs. Nelson! Alexis had the BEST year with her so I look forward to Lily having a wonderful year as well! Mrs. Nelson is who she wanted so she was super excited when she opened her piece of mail!
Alexis was super excited to find out she has Mrs. Hayes! Not only does she have her....BUT FINALLY she is in a class with SK and Carli! This has never happened! What cracks me up is....she is going around telling everyone that she is an 'Elementary Senior!' bahaha! OH...that cracks me up!
Yesterday Lily had Hope's birthday party! They went to the Alapaca farm and then had lunch! We have been before and they are so adorable! Lily loved seeing them again!
Hanging out with sweet friends!
After Lily got home....we headed to the pool for a little while before coming home to clean up and go eat dinner! It was a beautiful afternoon!
And...this morning, our Youth Church girl!
Two beauties!
Little Miss!
We came home....grilled out and watched TV...jumped on the trampoline...swang. Lily {big Lily}, Alexis and I took off on our bikes to the trail from our house! We had the best ride to Germania Springs! It was a complete spur of the moment ride but it was perfection! The girls waded through the creek to cool off before heading back! We rode home and then finished up the night out back!
Lily and Hope played and played while we were gone!
My view! Almost there with the backyard! We got a new patio set and I LOVE it! We enjoyed dinner on it tonight! LOVE!

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