Thursday, July 11, 2019

Soccer AND Cheer star!

Lily has absolutely loved this week!

She has done both her favorite things and enjoyed being with friends....and even said she has loved exercising! haha! :)

Day 2 of soccer FUN! She just looked so adorable to me on this day as I just loved her outfit! ha! :) The colors looked great on her! It worked out that she had her uniforms from her past soccer days to make it the whole camp. {Because the last day they have to wear their shirt they got from camp because they are doing a picture!}
 Lily has loved being with her partner, Aubree, this week too! They are so sweet together! Aubree's Mom is one of my sweet co-workers so it has been fun with them being together!

Day 3! Team England on this day!
Snapped a picture of her heading to Cheer Camp on this day because they had to practice with their pom poms! She says she loves her routine they are learning!, the last day of Soccer and Cheer. She told me this morning that she is sad that it all is ending today.
Meanwhile...I have also been up to this! Seeeee alllll these people! Yeah...Orientations over the Summer are a lot! We have 2 a week! This is our school's group heading to the Library for us to speak to them and get them registered! This day, we had the largest number since starting! I {on the other hand} whew....I can use a break now from this week! ha! :)

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