Friday, July 12, 2019

Wet and wild...birthday edition!

Alexis had the BEST birthday party this afternoon!

And to say it was the cheapest, easiest and funest... check, check AND check!

All the girls were SUPER excited that they were getting to be in the new REC Center! They were literally squealing with excitement!

They rock climbed, swam, played, chatted, 'worked out,' and then we ate/sang happy birthday before taking everyone home! BAM...done! Success! :) :)

Opening gifts real quick before hitting the FUN!
Lex zoomed up there! Willa Kate did 'okay' climbing....Caroline, SK and Carli, well.....they only lasted like 2 minutes before calling it quits.
Lily...LOOK at her! Alllll the way to the top! I love this girl and she just amazes me! She was SO proud of herself...and she should be!
Group pic before heading to the pool!
Girl time + Pool time = the BEST time! :)
They all grabbed a noodle and went around...and around...and around...and around just floating and chatting!
Then...they decided to have a noodle fight!
And...then decided to 'work out!' :)
And, we capped it off with pizza and cupcakes in my building! BAM......done! They loved it all! We took everyone home and called it a successful birthday party Friday night!
Lily is having the best time at Ella's house spending the night for her birthday so Lex had this Friday night allll to herself! :)

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