Sunday, September 15, 2019

An AUsome Saturday!

There was a breeze!

I would like to point out that, though, the game was HOT...there was a breeze and it was, somewhat, bearable at Lily's game!

We had a home game against Rainbow City and we pulled out a WIN!

After the game, Lily and I headed home to shower off and then we hit the road to Auburn!

We spent the rest of the day enjoying some shopping, sightseeing....and OF course...eating before the game! I just had to have Amsterdam and it did not disappoint!

This one was up BRIGHT and EARLY ready to try out her new Hoverboard since we had a busy Friday! Her wearing allllll the gear, cracks me up! She is a pro at riding it!
We were on fire! Literally! :) :)
The girls keeping cool!
My little Golden Eagle! We went from yelling GO Eagles...
Love her!
Amsterdam for the win! We got there right before they closed early! We got lucky! Lily said she was SO excited that we came to Auburn for her birthday!! :) yelling Warrrrr Eagle! Such a beautiful night for a game! It was perfection! Such a family fun memory made! It was a great Homecoming WIN! War Eagle!

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