Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mermaid hair....dont care!

Lily had the best 8th birthday party!

She decided on having a water day birthday at Gran's. It was a perfection of an afternoon full of her bestest friends, water, tubing, laughs, swimming, playing, floating...and CAKE! :)

It is great to be 8!

1st thing done as soon as we walked in. Opened gifts! They just could not wait for Lily to open their gifts!
Picture before I lathered them alllll down with sunscreen! :)
Lily's new float was a hit!
Enjoying the beautiful day!
Love all these girls and love Lily's friendship with each of them!
Ready to RIDE!
They all had a blast riding! Begging for it to be their turn next!
Having girl chat time while the ones on the tube held on for dear life! ha!
Sweet girls having fun!
So brave!
These group....was the wild ones! The dare-devils! They wanted to go faster...and faster!
Then...Tyler finally got these two off! It took some trying and some smack talking before it happened...but it did! ha!
These two held on and never fell off! They were doing their victory dance! ha!
Love these three!
Cake time!
She picked out her cake and I thought it was perfection for the party!
Everyone enjoying the food and view!
Aunt Pam snagged a picture with the birthday girl!
Throwback to 2016 when Alexis had the same 8th birthday with her bestest friends!
She looks soooo little when she was 8! Fun times!

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