Monday, September 9, 2019

Cheer pics round 1!

Technically it is round 2 of cheer she was sick when they had them with the whole squad. Luckily, this new photography company can photoshop kids into the she will be put in with the others!

So since we were not at the football field..I didnt go 'all out' taking pictures of her as I will wait until she has her hair 'fixed' {curled} for the Homecoming game and get better pictures then! That will be round 2....{technically round 3 for pictures!} :)

So, I took a few in the front yard before we headed!

I dont like how they 'washed' out her face....the flash came on for some reason!...but, I still love this little Eagle!
She is just growing up soooo fast!
My favorite!

By the tree pose! :)
 Love this girl more than she will ever know and soooo proud of the full of life spirit that she has!
And.....just yesterday.....she was this age! Where has the time gone!?!?

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