Sunday, September 15, 2019

Friday night lights with the birthday girl!

We continued celebrating Lily before the game Friday!

We had another home game and it also happened to be Youth night so Friday night lights was!

This crew celebrated Lily at Yamato as that is where she picked to eat!
She wanted her 'bestest' friends and that's what she got!
Madelyn, Hope, Lily and Callie
The birthday girl!
Making her wish!
Then we booked it to the game!
And...allllll the youth sports kiddos were honored! C-Team cheerleaders represented!
Look at alllll these kiddos! Love!
These three enjoyed walking around and having fun. Clearly Savannah was toooo busy being silly to take a picture! {LOOK at that sky in the back!}
Lily's cheer team got to cheer with the Varsity! Super highlight on her birthday!
Our crew during the game! Love these peeps!

Once home...I had to snag a birthday hug from the birthday girl! cap off the birthday girl's day....Madelyn spent the night!

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