Sunday, September 1, 2019

Here we we GO!


Its football time!

Whoop whoop!

Auburn pulled out a huge WIN last night against a very hard team {Oregon} and it was great to watch!

We had the Messer's, Ray's and the Soriano's over for a TON of football food, laughs, playing, chatting, and football game watching!

We had a great night! A perfection of a way to kick-off football season!

We are READY for football Saturdays in our orange and blue!
Go Auburn!
She was super thrilled I had a shirt made with her 'real' name on it! :)
Nothing better.............a beautiful day....and SEC on the TV!
LOVE our view! Ready for it to be fully completed and then I cant wait to do a before and after picture! We {Tyler} has worked really hard on it and Im so proud of it!
 Cassell was thrilled to have Lily play with her. Lily fixed her hair 'fancy'...played teacher with her...legos and more! Cassell was Lily's little side-kick the whole night!
I got them to slow down for 2 seconds to snap a picture! They were in the midst of playing hide-n-seek!
These two were so excited that they were twinning when Sydney came in! I love their shirts!
Everyone enjoying football....and football food! YUM! Im sad I didnt take a picture of my it was loaded with TONS of all things football deliciousness!{What I love most about this the pine cones on the table! Sweet Calhoun walked and walked around our backyard to collect them for us! ha!....and then brought some up to put on the table for me to see them!} :)
This is my favorite picture! All of us sitting around...enjoying the beautiful night and the 'littles' hopping off the trampoline from where they were having a blast to refuel with some cupcakes and juice!
Love our friends...and the sweet memories being made!
AND....that Auburn WON!!

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