Friday, September 13, 2019

What was I doing 8 years ago today?!?!

8 years! What was I doing 8 years ago today? Well, it was a typical Tuesday. I got up and ready for work, the only difference was I had a ginormous basketball as a belly! Took Alexis to daycare and headed to work! Feeling great, that day, I went to my doc for my weekly check-up and left with a 'you look great, I'll see you next week!' I headed back to work and finished out my day! Once I got Lex from school, I was SO hungry for some crazy reason. Like, could not wait another minute for food! So, Lex and I headed to Jim-N-Nicks for an early dinner {as Tyler was out of town!} While eating I got a huge cramp that made me have to stand up to 'stretch it out!' I will NEVER forget the look on {what seemed to be an 18 year old} young boy waiter's face as I think he was in panic mode thinking he was going to have to deliver a baby as he was asking me if I was okay! :) I said I was fine, we finished eating and headed home. Once I got home, and since Tyler was out of town, we headed over to our dear friends {and neighbor} to play.
Well...let's just say....things went CRAZY from there! If it wasnt for the awesome 'DEGA' speedway driver, awesome friend, Mandi, I would not have made it to the hospital! My water broke in her car as she was racing down HWY 280,afternoon traffic, with 3 kiddos wondering WHAT in the world was going the backseat! {Because Cole, her husband, was out of town too!}
I drug myself to the St. Vincent's Women's wing to announce...'IM HAVING A BABY!' :) Needless to say, it was allll a blur after that!
Lillian Grace Law decided she wanted to come into this world 2 weeks early and everything has been on her terms since! She keeps us laughing and keeps us on our toes everyday!
I am SO thankful God chose me to be her Mom and how she completes our family perfectly! Happy birthday Lilybug!

 OH, she melted my heart the moment I laid eyes on her!
 Those cheeks....and allll of that hair!

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