Monday, September 2, 2019

We did not labor!

Labor day was full of doing pretty much nothing...

and it was awesome!

We hung out around the house the entire day....just enjoying being home and the relaxation that comes with it!

Alexis spent the night with Willa Kate so once she came home, WK came too so they played the entire afternoon {roaming back and forth between WK's house and ours throughout the time}until had to leave to meet Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi for a great dinner!

They painted for a good while out in the front yard! Making masterpieces...then they played ping pong, basketball, air hockey, jumped on the trampoline, made 'live' videos, ate lunch, then took off for a little while over to WK, then came back...then left again!
Once they were finished we all got cleaned up and then headed to some shopping before meeting them all to eat!
I would say it was a perfect day to help roll us into the week!

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