Sunday, September 1, 2019

That time when....


it has happened....

she wore my shoes to Church today.


That time has come and to say she was OVER the moon is an understatement! She spent 20 minutes in my closet trying on alllllll of my sandles....claiming she was going to wear them allll.....and keep them alllll and me telling her to get out...stop...put them back...stop...get out....put them back!

OH me! :) It is official....she is growing up

SEEEEEEE.....I just cant believe it. Cant wrap my head around it. WHAT?!?! She is in my shoes and SUPER proud and happy about it!
She beamed from ear to ear walking out to get in the car about it!
And...this goodness, it wont be long until she can wear my clothes and shoes too! Time slow down!

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