Sunday, September 8, 2019

The rest of the day and weekend!

So, continued on... we got out of our soaking wet clothes off {from Lily's game} and I started on the cooking portion of the day!

We enjoyed the AU win while the kids played and not to mention the YUM-O food!

This was my view as I headed to run an errand! Willa Kate and Lex riding scooters!
Then...I had the Fritts kids. These two....are.a.mess! They both ended up walking over to Hayden's house and swimming a good portion of the night and had a great time!
These two did everything under the sun! They had a great time together!
Getting ready to an AU win! :)
And...can YOU believe IT!?!? This one will be 8 this week!
Happy birthday week to this little one!
She is just growing up right before my eyes! I just love her!
And...throwback to Lex wearing the same dress! Much like Lily....Alexis' face says it all too! This is the face of..........I do NOT want to take pictures Momma! :) Circa  2014!

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