Sunday, September 8, 2019

Birthday surprise!

Nan and Pawpaw brought over Lily's birthday gift this afternoon!

She opened a new bike helmet and was super excited about it as she is sooo excited it matches her friend Hope!

Then she started reading the card....and as she was reading it out loud, it said 'We hope you enjoy your new bike!'

You should have seen her face!

Complete surprise and shock! It was the sweetest!

We have spent the rest of the afternoon learning to change gears and riding up and down...and down and up our street!

Reading her card!
Checking out her new ride! My girls love to ride around the neighborhood with their friends so this will get alot of use!
So cute!
Yeah...she was over the pictures.....soooo...she stuck her tongue out at me! THAT girl!
Daddy wanted to try it out! OH me! Big man....on a little bike! :)
Then....later that afternoon, I took this crew to Youth at Church! MY goodness I can not believe that they are old enough for it! Just growing up super fast! Carli took this picture of all of them and sent it to me! ha!

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