Thursday, June 4, 2020

A mixture!

We have almost completed the 1st week of June!

Our lives are starting to become a little more 'normal' from what we have been used to before the pandemic. We are just rolling and adjusting to it all and making the best of it!

Dance started back for the girls this week and they were excited to get back into the studio. They were surprised to still remember their dances! ha!

We celebrated Miss Jaycee-May {as I love to call her} during her drive by birthday party! She always cracks me up...but she really did on this day! Oh my goodness...she sat on her 'throne' {per her} and was decked head to toe in tool and mermaid attire! She had Allie go and get her gift for her from us {as we all hung out of my car!} because she couldnt get up...she had her  'servant' do it! ha! This girl is always herself and happy and just full of life! There is no doubt she had a great 8th birthday!
Because we were in called for a Starbucks treat {for Alexis} that she has been dying to have because her past Starbucks fixes had to cease when everything hit! She was over the moon to go! AND....Los Mex! OH YUM! I love this restaurant and though it is limited in seating, right now, we snagged a booth and enjoyed the best Mexican food in the land! :) All thanks to dance starting back...we had a lot of firsts on this day...and we were allll happy about it! Oh..and dont let me forget, we went to Old Navy for the first time too as they have just opened back up! Whooo hoo! Of course we all had to buy a little treat for ourselves since we had to honor that it is now open! :)
Catching fireflies! Lily LOVES doing this! She was on a mission to catch them all!
Super pumped to catch her first one!
Trying to show it to me!
Then...Daddy told her that she shouldnt catch all of them in our she agreed and then let the ones go that she had caught so they could fly back to their families! :)
These girls...and others that werent there to celebrate SK turning the big 12! This picture brings me back to when I coached them all and this was their stunt group {minus Sydney} They are just growing up soooo fast!
Thats a little mixture of what all we have been up to lately!

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