Monday, June 8, 2020

What to do?!?!

Tyler and I just dont know what to do with ourselves this week!

This is the first time that both girls have ever been away from us this long!

Alexis has had more times...away...just not a week and Lily has never had more than one day away from us!

They both were sooooooooooooo excited to get to go with Aunt Pam and visit Kennedy this week!


what do Tyler and I do?!?!

Oh...we can figure it out...dont worry!

Just like...a little date lunch and golf to kick it off! was just what we needed!

I am looking forward to some quiet time and soaking up time with just Tyler and I but we sure are going to miss the girls!

We ate lunch in the clubhouse and then off we went!
This dude has gotten gooood at his golf game! I so enjoyed watching him in action...and him scooting me alll around the course in the golf cart!
I played some! Tyler helped me with my swing and I have to say...I impressed myself!
It was a great day!

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