Saturday, June 6, 2020

Oh Summer days...and nights!

We are soaking up our Summer days and nights!

OH how we love thee!

This crew just loves each other and gets along so well! We had a blast celebrating Pearson and her birthday! This is what Summer nights is allll about!
Ashley had the cutest decorations...and these are the cutest kids!
Sweet Pearson...we love her!
Ohh...Summer days! We soaked up being outside..though it was muggy today! My view as I was getting dinner ready for the grill!
OH YUM! Grilled pork loin and veggies....and Lily's favorite...mashed potatoes! Just for her!
Excuse Alexis' face. Not sure why she looks mad...but she wasnt....and she was happy to have Sydney join us for dinner...though I cut her out of the picture with my bad picture taking skills!
Then....smores time! The girls loooooveee them!
These two! They made a mess! :)
We have had some perfection of Summer days.....and nights!

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